Sunday, February 17, 2008

Homosexuals: a Threat To The Nation, Culture, Themselves

A different perspective from Michael Savage.


CW said...

Michael Savage is one of the few with the courage to speak out against the homosexual activists. Homosexuals practice some of the most hideous and unhealthful behaviors including eating human feces. Yet they try to claim their lifestyle is normal. They are even trying to get homosexuals to infiltrate our military services. We have got to keep fighting them in this culture war or our values will be lost. Especially offensive is their attacks on our traditional marriages. Rush, Hannity, Newt, and O'Reilly have spoken out about his extensively. If the homosexual is allowed to marry, it will severely weaken each of our own marriages.

Anonymous said...

While I was watching this video, it appeared around the 32 second mark that it was a picture of you (Matt Sanchez) that was shown in a sexual manner with two other men. I don't know if you noticed this when you posted this video. I just wanted to point it out to you. I support most of what you stand for, as I am conservative and a republican myself, but I am not with Michael Savage in this area. I disagree on his view and your current view on homosexuality. I'm welcome to listening or talking with you about it though, so if you send me stuff on my blog that's fine, I'll respond.